11 best ways to dry your nail polish faster
If you love painting your nails but hate waiting for the polish to dry, this article is for you. Let’s face it – there’s nothing more frustrating than going to bed with freshly painted nails and waking up to find your hard work smudged and ruined. Ditto if you’re late for dinner or a meeting but your polish just won’t dry. Do you want to know how to make nail polish dry faster? We have compiled a number of simple and effective methods to help speed up the tediously boring process.

1. Soak your nails in ice water
Dipping your fingernails in ice-cold water is perhaps the most efficient technique for drying your polish faster. It’s also insanely easy!
What you need
A bowl of cold water
ice cubes
Step-by-step instructions
Before you start painting your nails, fill a bowl with cold tap water, add a few ice cubes and set aside.
When you are finished painting your nails, wait about 2 to 3 minutes to allow the paint to set before dipping your nails into the bowl.
Leave them in for about 3 to 5 minutes.
When you take your hands out of the bowl, you will see water beading on the surface of your nails. This is a telltale sign that your paint is completely dry.
2. Run your nails under cold water
If you don’t have ice cubes handy, you can simply run your manicured nails under a gentle stream of cold tap water.
What you need
Faucet with running water
Step-by-step instructions
Turn on the faucet and run your nails under the jet of cold water.
Remember not to wash your hands. So don’t rub them together to avoid smudging your nail polish.
3. Try the cool air setting on a hair dryer
This is a faster and cleaner alternative to an ice bowl or running water. Remember: the cool environment is what we’re looking for.
What you need
A hair dryer with a cold jet function.
Step-by-step instructions
Plug in your hair dryer and set it on the coldest setting.
When you’re done painting your nails, swirl the dryer around your nails in small, circular motions for two to three minutes. Just be careful not to use too much force or hold the nail polish too close to your nails or it will blow ripples into your polish. You can also dry your nails with a gentle fan.
4. Apply a coat of oil
A drop of non-stick cooking oil is a great way to speed up nail polish drying time. You can also use baby oil, olive oil, or any carrier oil or essential oil.
What you need
Carrier oil, essential oil, baby oil or cooking oil
paper towels
Step-by-step instructions
When you are finished applying the polish, use an eyedropper to gently apply 1-2 drops of oil to your freshly painted nails.
Leave the oil on for a few minutes. The oil soaks into the paint and lets it dry faster.
If you notice the oil on your nail polish beading off, wipe it off with a dry paper towel.

5. Apply nail drying drops
Using commercial nail polish drying drops cuts your waiting time in half. Not only do these products help the polish dry faster, they also keep your nails looking super shiny. They also nourish and condition the skin around your cuticles.
6. Dilute it
As opposed to thick coats, applying multiple thin coats of nail polish gives your nails time to dry quickly between uses. It also gives you a more even finish. While it may seem like your manicure will last forever, it really isn’t. They actually reduce the overall drying time significantly.
7. Wait between shifts
Rather than starting the next shift right after the first, increase the wait time between shifts. Drying takes little longer than drying a thick layer of nail polish. Thin layers dry faster. So apply 2-3 thin coats until you reach the desired color intensity, but wait for the previous coat to dry completely. This will also ensure your final finish is smooth and flawless.
8. Switch to quick-drying formulas
Investing in a nail polish that’s specifically designed to reduce the drying time of your nail polish may be the easiest way to dry your nails faster. Some of the quick-drying formulas also claim to give your nails a glossy shine, preventing chipping and keeping your manicure looking fresher for longer. Best of all, you can find some insanely great drugstore top coat formulas at very reasonable prices.
9. Opt for a nail drying spray
Commercially available nail drying sprays are specially developed for this purpose and protect your nails. You can ask your local beauticians for product recommendations. Alternatively, you can use hairspray if you don’t want to invest in a dedicated drying spray.

10. Invest in an LED lamp
If you have a busy lifestyle but like to keep your nails in tip-top shape, an LED nail lamp is a worthwhile investment. Compared to UV lamps, which can damage your skin in the long run due to their radiation, LED lamps are safer and can dry your fresh nail polish in no time.
11. Use an air atomizer
This method is not safe in the long run, so we recommend you use it sparingly. Many people swear by using an air atomizer to instantly dry manicures and pedicures. Hold the can 20-30cm away from your nails when spraying to avoid ruining your manicure. Also make sure you wear a mask to avoid inhaling too much spray as it can be harmful to your health.
Now that you know how to quickly dry your manicure, let’s talk about proper care so that it lasts a long time.
In summary, waiting for nail polish to dry no longer has to be a hassle. With these 11 simple and effective methods, you can significantly reduce the drying time and enjoy beautiful, smudge-free nails in no time at all. Whether it’s ice water, cool air from a hair dryer, or applying oil, each technique offers a quick and convenient way to speed up the process.
Additionally, investing in quick-drying formulas, nail drying drops, or even an LED lamp can be worthwhile for those who paint their nails frequently. However, it is important to take proper care of your nails to ensure the longevity of your manicure.
So say goodbye to the frustration of waiting for nail polish to dry and use these time-saving tips for flawless and stunning nails whenever you need them. With these tricks up your sleeve, you can achieve the perfect manicure without the hassle of waiting for your nail polish to dry. Have fun painting!
In summary, waiting for nail polish to dry no longer has to be a hassle. With these 11 simple and effective methods, you can significantly reduce the drying time and enjoy beautiful, smudge-free nails in no time at all. Whether it’s ice water, cool air from a hair dryer, or applying oil, each technique offers a quick and convenient way to speed up the process.
Additionally, investing in quick-drying formulas, nail drying drops, or even an LED lamp can be worthwhile for those who paint their nails frequently. However, it is important to take proper care of your nails to ensure the longevity of your manicure.
So say goodbye to the frustration of waiting for nail polish to dry and use these time-saving tips for flawless and stunning nails whenever you need them. With these tricks up your sleeve, you can achieve the perfect manicure without the hassle of waiting for your nail polish to dry. Have fun painting!